Stocks, Wire Transfers and Mutual Funds

Donating shares of stocks or mutual funds can help those in need.
All donations are tax deductible. You will receive a tax receipt by email
Better World Endowment Fund, 178 Boulevard Haussmann, 75008, Paris
Stock Donation Transfer

Securities can be gifted to the Red Cross in two ways - electronically or by physically mailing certificates. Either method is acceptable, but it is necessary for you to contact your broker to initiate the transfer.

Wire Transfers

For those who wish to electronically transfer funds to the French Better World Fund, gifts may be sent via wire transfer.
Please follow the instructions below, or reach out to Wire if additional support is needed.

Mutual Funds

Better World Fund has accounts open at many of the large fund companies, which is necessary to initiate the transfer. However, we recommend that you email us at to confirm if an account number is available.
It may be necessary for us to establish an account to accept transfers of shares. Some mutual fund companies take 3-6 weeks to process your gift.
Want to learn more about gifts of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds? Click here.

Other Ways to Give

Donate by Mail
To donate by check or to a specific cause, please complete this donation form by printing and mailing to:

Better World Endowment Fund
178 Boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris - FRANCE
Print Donation Form
Donate by Phone
To donate by phone or to get assistance with your donation,
please contact us at

Other Ways to Donate
1. Donate through your PAYPAL or Crypto

2. Give stock or mututal funds, wire funds to Better World Fund or make an ACH transfer.  

3. Recommend a grant from your Donor Advised Fund.